Friday, November 30, 2007


If you haven't heard of New Zealand based brickslayer DRYPNZ yet, it would be forgivable. I just happened to stumble onto his work a few weeks ago. But when I did, I was into the way his characters look like they took huge bong rips until they heads fell into black holes and got physically rearranged. Drypnz tells me that they're the result of "2 years of playing with a character... that seemed a bit stupid and came from some influential substances". Now he says they're "created by stronger coffees". Hard to believe, but who knows.

Straight from the horse's mouth: "They are all a new breed of human called DRYPPPL, so my characters are called drypppls and if i were to hang with them they wouldn't say much just grummble and make odd noises you would usually hear from a sink thats is clogged with some unwanted waste... and just be chilling in their amazingly sweet smelling skin....mmmmmm yea"

It's got to be something in the air out there. "As long as you're nice you can get away with a lot. Just don't run onto the mayor's property. Pretend you're going for an early morning jog and the public just don't know whats going on". But like way too many other cities, the buff is strong. "The city council had got sick of the tagging and bland shit before we could show them that street art was a compliment to the city and so there are street cleaners cleaning off sticks and posters right and left. So spot picking is essential."

There's plenty more going on in Drypnz's little universe. Go check out his website to get clued in.

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